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DESGN-6690-1: DC: Story + Storytelling

Spring 2024

Subject: Graduate Design
Type: Seminar
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Graduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 16, 2024 — May 05, 2024
Meetings: Fri 8:00-11:00AM, Hubbell - 161 A
Instructor: Jeremy Mende

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 11/12 Waitlist


The human mind is a story processor. We create stories to explain the unknown. Our friendship groups, political parties, and nationalities are held together by the stories we share. Most successful brands derive their appeal by referencing heroic stories. Even our identities are little more than the narratives we tell ourselves about who we are. At its core, design is storytelling: arranging semantic languages to guide users through participatory interactions that resolve into meaning.
In Story + Storytelling students will analyze how the elements of dramatic story are used across narrative forms including folklore, popular fiction, and narrative journalism. Working with outlines, dialogue scripts, and storyboards, students will recast classic stories into contemporary settings to understand key narrative components: theme, dramatic act structure, point of view, character development, and worldbuilding. The class will help students gain experience translating facts and information into compelling narratives that leverage human values, ignite the imagination, and move audiences.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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