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DESGN-6690-2: Design in Context: Decolonial Ontologies

Fall 2024

Subject: Graduate Design
Type: Seminar
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Graduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: August 28, 2024 — December 10, 2024
Meetings: Tue 7:15-10:15PM, Hooper GC - GC2
Instructor: Michael Washington

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 6/12


The spirit of this class will function like a laboratory, or a space of collective experimentation in which we will think counter-intuitively together about the politics of design, its relation to western colonial modernity, as well as its re-worlding practices. What would it mean to imagine the concept and practice of design as a critical enterprise? As a critical discourse of the contemporary political organization of the world (extractive, extinctionist, anthropocentric)? And how might thinking design from a decolonizing critical standpoint open up new space for re-imagining how the world could be otherwise? These are the questions we are going to engage in the course, and will do so by reconsidering design as a worlding tool: a culture and set of practices and concepts that shape knowledges, ecologies, spaces of relational encounter, as well as ways of being. Which is to say, we are going to think about the political ontology of design: the ways in which design, in its practice and theory, makes worlds and the spaces of interaction in which new worlds might be imagined as possible. 

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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