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DIVST-2000-14: The Grind

Spring 2021

Subject: Diversity Studies - Studio
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: Online
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: January 25, 2021 — May 09, 2021
Meetings: Tue 10:00-11:55AM, Online - HS-6
Instructor: Sean Nash

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 6/8


The retail habits of the public are shifting. The American Mall is dying, the function of critique is insular, and as more and more people look to their friends rather than art professionals for guidance concerning art and aesthetics.  The failure of chain stores to adapt, and the sluggishness of property owners to realize that radical change in the way we view commerce is necessary is threatening our survival as artists and craftspeople. Emerging fine artists sometimes find it difficult to compete with more established street artists in high traffic festivals and programs.  This course will focus on how to disrupt the capitalist art market, how to navigate the alternative craft and fair markets and how to sell your work directly to the public without professional representation.  Students will learn the underlying issues of power and privilege of the art market, logistics of setting up a booth, applying to juried fairs and doing the research necessary to decide which events or festivals might be a good fit for their work to.  This class will illuminate strategies for students as they transition to the world outside schools such as developing a creating a customer base,  pricing your work, interacting with potential clients and negotiating commissions.  How do our decisions affect who will have access to our work, and what are the various roles of a community artist?  This course examines both conceptual questions, and on the ground retail experience in a number of venues ranging from street markets to shopping malls, and will aid students in the development of the skills set necessary to those who wish to supplement their income through the sale of the Arts and or crafts they have learned to produce at CCA.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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