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FURNT-1000-2: Introduction to Furniture

Summer 2019

Subject: Furniture
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: Oakland
Course Dates: May 20, 2019 — June 24, 2019
Meetings: Mon/Tue/Wed 9:00AM-03:00PM, Oakland - First Year Studios - 101
Instructor: Adrien Segal

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 0/8


Introduction to the fundamentals of woodworking and its application to furniture. Topics covered in detail will include: the care and use of hand tools, hand power tools and larger woodworking machinery; fundamental techniques such as carving, shaping and finishing; joinery technology, construction processes and conventions; basic furniture design and wood technology. Processes will be demonstrated and mastered through a series of "hands-on" projects. There will be an emphasis on precision, the development of craft skills and the concept of "physical" as well as intellectual learning. This course provides the basic knowledge and experience necessary for intelligent use of the machine room facilities at SFCCA and is recommended for any students wishing to use this facility regularly. It is also a great chance to make "real things" out of "real materials". Additional materials fee will be charged.Section Description:Due to the condensed nature of the course, students should plan to work in the lab on their own during the week. A wood assistant will be available during studio access hours to assist enrolled students with their projects: Mon., Tues., Wed., May 28-June 25, 2:15-5 p.m. / Thurs. & Fri., May 30-June 21, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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