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ILLUS-200-01: Studio 1: Materials

Spring 2019

Subject: Illustration
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 22, 2019 — May 09, 2019
Meetings: Tue/Thu 4:00-07:00PM, Main Building - N17
Instructor: Shannon Taylor

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 0/9 Closed


In Illustration 1 we introduce the world of illustration. We identify the principles of composition, design and concept. With these principles and the tools they suggest, we'll work to convey a story or describe a point of view. During the semester the student will learn to understand the discipline of Illustration: its definition, its career aspects, its history, and its potential for artistic expression. The student will develop their use of formal criteria such as line, shape, value, texture and color, and understand and apply these fundamental picture-making principles using basic painting techniques. A "readable" picture is our goal. And with these picture-making skills the artist will ultimately broaden and clarify her/his own personal language.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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