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ILLUS-2200-3: Drawing: Location Drawing

Spring 2022

Subject: Illustration
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 18, 2022 — May 08, 2022
Meetings: Fri 12:00-06:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - N17
Instructor: Shannon Taylor

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 14/15 Closed


This is a location-based drawing class, which explores the vibrant San Francisco Bay Area. Students will utilize their sketchbooks to record observations, inspirations, and details useful for later illustrations. Students are encouraged to try different approaches and materials, and to push their critical observation and thinking. The intent of this class is for students to establish a holistic approach to their art-making, in order to have a sustainable lifelong practice. By merging sketching, notation, photography, and ideation, students will gain a greater understanding of how to develop full and engaging environments for their illustrations. This on-location illustration class in which we explore the vibrant San Francisco Bay Area. From working in plein air, to making custom, portable workstations (easels, wells, portable paint pallets, etc.) to learning efficient and speedy sketching techniques and how to speak about your work to the public, we will be pursuing a great tradition of working en scene. We will focus on how to use our sketchbooks to record mood, environment, inspiration, lighting, and details useful to our later illustrations. The intent of this class is to set up students for not only a resource for their scholastic experience, but to begin the foundation of a comprehensive and successful professional practice.Class will be spent mostly on site*, and sketches will be reviewed on a weekly basis. Students should be prepared to utilize public transportation, and for a good deal of walking. (If you have any questions concerning physical accommodations, please get in touch before the start of class).

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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