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IXDGR-6160-3: Leadership by Design

Summer 2024

Subject: Graduate Interaction Design
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Graduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: May 13, 2024 — August 09, 2024
05/13 — 05/20: Wed 1:05-05:00PM, Main Bldg - E1
05/29: Wed 1:05-05:00PM, Main Bldg - E1
06/03 — 06/26: Wed 1:05-05:00PM, Main Bldg - E1
07/03 — 08/09: Wed 1:00-04:23PM, Main Bldg - E1
Instructor: Changying Zheng

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 14/13 Closed


Meeting the challenges and fulfilling the potential of the 21st Century will require an unprecedented collective shift in perspective and practice. During this period of accelerating change, interconnectedness, and complexity, we have a unique opportunity to design and co-create our shared future. More than ever, we need system leaders who can inspire imagination, organize and energize collective efforts, provide foundational support for the challenges ahead, and call forth the strengths in all of us. A new paradigm of collective system leadership is emerging, committed to asking fundamental questions and listening deeply for answers. System leaders share their commitments to the health of the whole and empower others to learn through collective action. Leadership by Design invites you to explore the qualities of 21st Century system design leaders and to grow your own capacities to collaboratively create the future. This course focuses on how leaders can most effectively foster organizational system health as a foundation for sustainable innovation and performance. A new skill set is emerging based on participative leadership, building and maintaining relationships, and fostering innovation. Leadership by Design explores how team and organizational contexts can be "designed" to supporthealthy working relationships, creative thinking, quality output, and optimal performance. You'll develop self-awareness of your leadership competencies as a platform for applying current practices in systems thinking, strategy and execution, agile systems, motivation, team building, power dynamics, and innovation. You'll exercise your leadership capacities as you work in teams to imagine and "redesign" leadership and organizationalsystems in collaboration with a Community Partner Organization.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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