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MARCH-6700-3: DM: Digital Media Elective

Fall 2021

Subject: Graduate Architecture
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: Hybrid
Level: Graduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: September 01, 2021 — December 14, 2021
Tue/Fri 11:00AM-01:00PM, Online - AR-15
Tue/Fri 11:00AM-01:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - Lab C
Instructor: Alexander Schofield

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 1/1 Closed


This course covers a specific advanced topic in the area of Design Media and Digital Craft in a seminar/workshop format that combines students in their in their fourth and fifth year of the undergraduate program with advanced level graduate students. The elective options might include topics from the area of architectural representation or digital fabrication, and vary from year to year.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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