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UDIST-3000-1: Diachronic

Spring 2022

Subject: Upper Level Interdisciplinary Studio
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: Oakland
Course Dates: January 18, 2022 — May 08, 2022
Mon/Thu 12:00-03:00PM, Oakland - Textiles - 3: Seminar
Mon/Thu 12:00-03:00PM, Oakland - Treadwell - 2: Seminar
Instructor: Lucia Fagen-DeLuca

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 15/15 Waitlist


Upper Division Interdisciplinary Studios extend a student's cross-school experience from Core Studio up into their upper division years. 3 units of Interdisciplinary Studio are required of all majors and must be completed in the junior or senior year. This advanced level studio is thematic in nature. Technical demonstrations are paired with thoughtful readings, seminar discussions and ambitious projects. Collaboration, experimentation and presentation skills are developed in concert with critical thinking.Section Description: Diachronic is about our visual relationship to the past in any medium of choice. Across ceramics, fiber arts, and performance art, students will explore vessels, domestic architecture, stitch n’ bitch, regalia, and futurist performance as we draw on the past to build a new present. Students will apply their art historical skills across multiple studio disciplines to explore their relationship to two or more time periods in history. Purely visual, unmediated by production of text as authors, the students will "write" new interactive art histories in mixed media. A deep dive into Art History, this course will take theories and methods from Visual Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Archaeology, and History more broadly to think and publish in new materials. Historically feminist analogue tactile forms produce new modes not only of understanding the visual past, but also of critiquing history and historiography. The first half of this course will be taught in the ceramics studios in Oakland and the second half in the textiles studios, masked and distanced. You will need to buy a clay card, basic embroidery supplies, and some costuming basics such as fabric. Readings and research support will be provided via moodle. This hands-on course is designed especially to be accessible to LD and ESL students through multi-modal project-based learning, on the slide screen, in the studio, and beyond.  The course will culminate in collective community-based outreach, action, and performance.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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