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UDIST-3000-2: The Peripatetic Wunderkammer

Spring 2020

Subject: Upper Level Interdisciplinary Studio
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 21, 2020 — May 08, 2020
Meetings: Mon/Wed 12:00-03:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - W1
Instructor: Michael Epstein

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 16/16 Closed


Interdisciplinary Studios extend a student's cross-school experience from Core Studio up into his or her upper division years. 3 units of Interdisciplinary Studio are required of all majors and must be completed in the junior or senior year. This advanced level studio is thematic in nature. Technical demonstrations are paired with thoughtful readings, seminar discussions and ambitious projects. Collaboration, experimentation and presentation skills are developed in concert with critical thinking.Section DescriptionOver the past decade, "Museums without Walls" have blossomed as means of extending the museum experience and collections to the greater city and allowing visitors to be co-curators. Museums such as the Museum of London, the Exploratorium, and the Cooper Hewitt have refined ways to place exhibits in non-traditional spaces, often with the help of mobile apps to guide audiences and interpret installations. The Peripatetic Wunderkammer will challenge students to extend a museum collection to real world spaces in San Francisco.

Subject matter includes the history of museum collections (and their preceding Wunderkammer), oral histories, audio editing, scripting, Augmented Reality overlays. Speakers will include designers from museum media labs, experts in mobile interpretation, landscape historians, and curators of distributed museums. Field work will involve visits to untraditional local museums and significant time exploring and interpreting the neighborhood where the students' final mobile media projects will be experienced.

NOTE: Many class sessions will meet in or around the museum we are working with (max 30 min bus ride from campus. Students will be given time to arrive to the site for the course but must cover their own transportation costs and some entrance fees to museums. Total cost for the course should not exceed $100.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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