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UDIST-3000-4: Performing Social Bodies: staging/feeling/together (Hybrid)

Fall 2021

Subject: Upper Level Interdisciplinary Studio
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: Hybrid
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: September 01, 2021 — December 14, 2021
Thu 11:00AM-01:00PM
Thu 11:00AM-01:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - E4
Thu 8:00-10:00AM
Thu 8:00-10:00AM, San Francisco - Main Building - 131
Instructor: Julian Carter

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 13/15


Upper Division Interdisciplinary Studios extend a student's cross-school experience from Core Studio up into their upper division years. 3 units of Interdisciplinary Studio are required of all majors and must be completed in the junior or senior year. This advanced level studio is thematic in nature. Technical demonstrations are paired with thoughtful readings, seminar discussions and ambitious projects. Collaboration, experimentation and presentation skills are developed in concert with critical thinking.Section DescriptionSocial Bodies provides a studio foundation in the techniques you'll need to make socially relevant short performances, and to interlace performance tools with the skills and perspectives of your major discipline. In-person, we'll warm up physically and socially; improvise solo & collective choreographies; watch & re-enact iconic post-modern dance/conceptual art/performance pieces; and write/enact short performance scores. Assignments ask you to integrate somatically-informed performance tools with skills and concepts from your major disciplines, looking at how their different techniques and understandings of the body can inform and change one another to make something uniquely yours in response to the broad question: how will you be a body among other bodies?

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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