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WRLIT-2030-5: Writing 2: Seeing Nature

Fall 2019

Subject: Writing and Literature
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: September 03, 2019 — December 13, 2019
Meetings: Tue/Thu 9:35-11:05AM, San Francisco - Grad Center - GC5
Instructor: Caroline Goodwin

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 0/18 Closed


This course will use the lens of "nature writing" to explore philosophical questions about our place in the current environmental crisis. How is our situation related to our ways of seeing and connecting with the natural world? And how is it related to the shapes and processes of nature that are central to human experience, such as birth, death, hunger, or illness, for example? We will investigate the writings of such artists and thinkers as Albert Camus, Carlos Fuentes, Rebecca Solnit, Camille Dungy and Brian Teare. Through many different genres of writing and reading, we will explore how, individually and as a culture, we might respond to nature as responsible artists and designers to make art that matters.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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