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Digital Fine Arts Studio (DFAS)

A resource for a hands-on experience with digital printing

Last updated on Jan 31, 2025

DFAS hours:

Sunday: 12pm - 6pm
Monday: 10am - 10pm
Tuesday: 10am - 10pm
Wednesday: 10am - 10pm
Thursday: 10am - 10pm
Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 12pm - 6pm

2nd Floor
Main Building

To use the resources in the DFAS, students, faculty & staff must take a DFAS Orientation either through a Digital Media class that has used the DFAS (such as Digital Photography, Digital Drawing/Painting, etc.) or during one of our scheduled Orientations at the beginning of the semester.

This studio is open to students who are currently enrolled.

Usage Policy:

Each student is allotted 5 one-hour sessions per week, which can be reserved up to two weeks in advance. Students may also drop in when no one is reserved for that hour on the scheduler.

If you cannot attend your reservations, please remove them from the schedule 24 hours ahead of time or email If you do not cancel by the time of your appointment, you forfeit that appointment and it will be subtracted from your weekly allotted shifts.

To print on your own paper, you must come in during a weekday (Monday - Friday between 10am - 5pm) and have your paper approved by Johnny.

Please email us at for any additional questions you have about our services.
Profile Photo

Johnny Galvan

Studio Manager, Digital Fine Art

About the Digital Fine Arts Studio (DFAS)

Located on the San Francisco main campus on the 2nd floor, the Digital Fine Art Studio is a resource for CCA students to get hands-on experience with digital medium–and wide–format archival printing.

Specializing in These Materials

  • Fabric
  • Paper

Tools and Equipment



Please refer to the DFAS Calendar below for Drop-In Orientation Dates + Times

No advance reservation is required to attend. Orientations will run between 45 minutes to 1 hour in length. If you are faculty looking to schedule an orientation for your class, please fill out the form attached to DFAS Orientation Page

