Public Transit
BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit)
Provides service within San Francisco, to both SFO and OAK airports, connection to the East Bay and South Bay
Closest Stations to CCA Campus at 1111 8th Street:
- Civic Center Station (Connect to Free Mission Bay Shuttle, or Muni bus line 19)
- 16th Street Station (Connect to Muni bus lines 22 and 55)
- Schedules and map
- Real time departures
- Masks required on board
- Ventilation (in depth)
- Clipper Start Program provides single ride fare discounts on a Clipper card to adults (ages 19-64) with a gross annual income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty level, see if you qualify.
Commuter rail line serving the San Francisco Peninsula and Santa Clara Valley (Silicon Valley)
Closest Stations to CCA Campus at 1111 8th Street:
- San Francisco Station (.9 mile walk or bike ride (see Bay Wheels bike share)
Provides service within the city of San Francisco
Closest stops to CCA Campus at 1111 8th Street:
The primary resource for Bay Area transit information
- Coronavirus Transportation Impacts
- Emergencies (get updates on local emergencies impacting Bay Area transit)
- Critical Alerts (road closures, accidents, traffic delays, etc.)

Trip Planners
Easy-to-use trip planning tools are widely available online and through mobile applications.
From a browser:
Apps for trip planning:

Clipper Card: the all-in-one transit card
Transit services that accept Clipper: Muni, BART, Caltrain, AC Transit, SamTrans, Golden Gate Transit, Golden Gate Ferry, San Francisco Bay Ferry and more.
What you need to know:
- Clipper card can hold transit passes, cash value or any combination. Cash value works on all participating transit systems. Passes and tickets are specific to each system.
- You can pay by phone using the Clipper App or phone Wallet
- Transfer an existing card to your phone or smart watch
- You can add value to your card as you go, or you can set up Autoload, which automatically reloads your card whenever your pass expires or your cash value balance falls below $10
- Clipper offers discount cards for youth, seniors and people with disabilities
- You can use your Clipper card as an access key to bike share by linking your card to any BayWheels membership
To purchase a physical card:
A new adult Clipper card costs $3.00 USD. Clipper will waive the fee if you order your card online and sign up for Autoload.
- Learn how to get a Clipper card here or order one online
- Find a location near you
Clipper Retail Locations Near CCA
UCSF Mission Bay - Transportation Services
1625 Owens Street (10-15 minute walk)
Monday-Friday, 8 AM- 4:30 PM
- Clipper Card sales
- Muni monthly fast passes adult (only good on BART within SF)
- Monthly pass: Adult, senior, youth and RTC
- Muni limited use tickets
- Muni & BART (cash value)
- Caltrain monthly pass, 8-ride ticket and cash value
- AC Transit monthly passes and cash value
- Golden Gate transit and Ferry cash value
Whole Foods Potrero - Customer Service
450 Rhode Island Street (7 minute walk)
Monday-Friday, 8 AM-10 PM
- Clipper Card sales
- Reload
- Balance Check
Cole Hardware
5533 College Avenue (10 minute walk)
Monday-Sunday, 8 AM - 8 PM
- Clipper Card Sales
BART - Rockridge Station
5660 College Avenue (12 minute walk)
- Clipper reload (ticket kiosk only)
Related Links
- Clipper Card FAQ
- BART (Rail)
- SFMTA (Muni/Parking)
- SF Bay Ferry
- Golden Gate Transit
- AC Transit (East Bay)
- Clipper Start Program (Discounts for Limited Income)
- Muni Lifeline Pass (Discount for Limited Income)
- RTC Discount (for persons with qualifying disabilties)
- Modern Museum of Clipper Cards