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CCA Portal


Types of Pages

Last updated on Oct 22, 2019

We’ll cover the different kinds of pages that comprise Academic Programs in the Portal. First, we’ll give you a sense of how these pages are organized.

Page Architecture

If you’ve seen our Portal Infographic, you’re already familiar with standard page architecture in the Portal. Academic Programs content is organized a tiny bit differently. Here’s the breakdown, going from high-level down to the nitty-gritty:

  1. The Academic Programs page appears as a card on the Learning landing page, since Academic Programs is a child page within Learning.
  2. Academic Programs acts like a section page, but it is called a program index page in Wagtail. It contains all the program landing pages -- one for each program of study at CCA.
  3. Each program landing page appears as a card on the Academic Programs page.
  4. Program landing pages are the top-level pages for individual program sites and contain any subpages (outlined below).
  5. Subpages won't show up as cards, so they must be linked to from their program landing page.

Program Subpages

If the program landing page is the the meat (or tofu, if you prefer) of a program’s Portal content, its subpages (or child pages) are the potatoes. Some of these pages have very specific functions and formats, while others are more generalized.

Special page types

  • Program Faculty + Staff Page: A people-picker page in which a program’s leadership, faculty, and staff can be added from a directory and select affiliates can be featured on the program landing page
  • Updates Page: Though not specific to the Academic Programs template, this is an announcements page where program-specific news, events, and other date-specific posts can be published, visible as a sidebar widget on the program landing page
  • FAQ Page: Also not specific to the Academic Programs template, but FAQ pages are great for organizing dense information by topic

Common uses for basic pages

  • Curriculum Page: An overview of program requirements, often formatted into tables by requirement type or academic term
  • Learning Outcomes Page: A summary of desired objectives and growth areas for students in the program, often also outlining program-specific values
  • Other Pages: Basic pages can be used to host Meet the Chair, Visiting Artists, Mentors, and Internships pages, to name just a few possibilities

Read more on a page types by clicking its link.

Isn’t Something Missing Here?

There are a lot of other related web pages that might need to be featured on a program’s landing page or on its child pages. That’s why Portal allows several types of sidebar linking, as in the resources sidebar menu.

Remember that you can also add links to inline content like paragraph text and images, among other things. The links in this paragraph are examples of inline text linking in Portal!

We’ll dive into other sidebar tools for Academic Programs pages in a little bit.

Up Next

Learn all about the program landing page, the central hub for your program's Portal pages, and where you'll really get started building content!