Access / Disability Services
LRC Resources
Dean of Students
Graduate Financial Aid
Health & Wellness
Workday Student Help
Grad Student Work Opportunity
Faculty GT Access / Disability
Campus Policies
Creating an environment that fosters the success and happiness of all our community members and values diversity and difference is everyone's responsibility. CCA maintains policies prohibiting discrimination and unlawful harassment (including hateful speech and graffiti).
CANVAS Program
CANVAS (CCA’s Artist’s Network Valuing Aspiring Scholars) is a scholars program which provides talented, historically under-represented incoming students of color leadership development and mentorship. It is an immersive full year program that affords participants an advanced opportunity to engage with the people, departments and resources that will help them navigate their collegiate experience effectively and emerge as campus leaders.
Student Advocates
Student Belonging & Inclusion and the Office of the Dean of Students, both part of the Division of Student Affairs, provide student support and advocacy. They ensure that students develop and sustain a strong sense of belonging and feeling included in the CCA community through initiatives that uplift the voices of BIPOC students, women, LGBTQQIP2SAA students, first generation students, and other historically marginalized and/or underrepresented populations.