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New Graduate Student Orientation & Chimera Welcome Week

Last updated on Jul 09, 2024

Welcome to California College of the Arts!

AA: Students at Project Wall

California College of the Arts has enhanced the graduate-student experience:

  • development of new award-winning graduate studios and facilities
  • the augmentation of our stellar faculty body with new tenure-track faculty and international visiting artists
  • the growth of new graduate programs that provide a deep interdisciplinary dialogue for all students

We have also built many bridges with Bay Area companies and organizations to pave the way to your career after graduation.

CCA's faculty, administration, and staff expect you to be deeply engaged not only within your program but also with the other resources at the college as well as with the remarkably creative community that surrounds us.

With great anticipation, your families, friends, and campus community are preparing to welcome and support you for this important milestone.

2024 Fall New Graduate Student Orientation & Chimera Welcome Week

New Graduate Student Orientation is an online course you access through Moodle.

All new students are enrolled in this course and it will open on the first Monday of August. Completion of the online new student orientation is required prior to attending in-person Welcome Week/Days and the start of the semester. Incoming students will receive a notification to your CCA email address with log-in information.

The Chimera Welcome Week schedule will be available on the portal on August 1st.

Chimera Welcome Week 2024

Here you will find what is specifically for you as a new GRADUATE student, but you can peek in on rest of Chimera Welcome Week here!

Monday, August 19

Residential Move In Day!! If you will be living on campus in college housing, today is the day you can move into your room! Please see Housing. Dining & Residential Education for more information here.

Thursday, August 22nd*





Target Audience

*Session topics are subject to change.

New INTERNATIONAL Graduate Student Check-In

8:30 - 9:30 AM

Student Lounge, Main Building
450 Irwin Street

Mandatory for all incoming International Graduate students. International Student Services will introduce their office and share important immigration information.

New International Graduate Students (F1 Visa)

International Student Services Session: International Graduate Students

9:30 - 10:30 AM

Student Lounge, Main Building
450 Irwin Street

Mandatory for all incoming International Graduate students. International Student Services will introduce their office and share important immigration information.

New International Graduate Students (F1 Visa)

New Graduate Student Check-in (non-International Students)

9:30 - 10:30 AM

Multipurpose Room, Blattner Hall
75 Arkansas Street

All new graduate students are required to check-in to participate in events and workshops. Here, you will receive your schedule and CCA swag bag!

New Graduate Students (non-International Students)

Session 1: Thriving in Graduate School

10:30 - 11:15 AM

Multipurpose Room, Blattner Hall
75 Arkansas Street

You're in graduate school. Now what? This session will help you answer this question and many more about navigating your new surroundings, new challenges and being a "next level" creative student.

All Incoming New Graduate Students

Session 2: Creating A Safe Campus Culture

11:15 - Noon

Multipurpose Room, Blattner Hall
75 Arkansas Street

A discussion about what it means to be a part of CCA's community of care, respect, and support for yourself and others.

All Incoming New Graduate Students

New Graduate Student Meet & Greet Lunch

12:20 - 1:30 PM

Multipurpose Room, Blattner Hall
75 Arkansas Street

New Graduate students will have lunch and meet CCA President, Dr. David Howse.

All Incoming New Graduate Students

Session 3: Access & Disability Support

1:30 - 2:00 PM

Multipurpose Room, Blattner Hall
75 Arkansas Street

Check-in for graduate students who were not able to check in earlier.

All Incoming New Graduate Students

Session 4: Meet your Academic Advisor & Understand Your Course Schedule

2:00 - 2:30

Multipurpose Room, Blattner Hall
75 Arkansas Street

You will get to know your academic advisor, learn about your course schedules, how to access the shops / studios and other campus resources

All Incoming New Graduate Students

Campus Resources & Jobs Fair

3:00 - 5:00 PM

Nave Multipurpose Room, Main Building
450 Irwin Street

A festive event to meet various offices, meet other students and connect with on campus work study opportunities!

All students (incoming & continuing Graduate & Undergraduate students (domestic, international, transfer, commuter))

Friday, August 23rd, 2024*





Target Audience

*Session topics are subject to change.

Session 1: Connect with Career Development

9:00 - 9:45 AM

Timken Hall, Main Building
450 Irwin Street

Meet the Career Development team and learn tips on next level professionalism, making your own "elevator pitch" and how to present yourself

All Incoming New Graduate Students

Session 2: Accessing Mental Health Services

9:45 - 10:30 AM

Timken Hall, Main Building
450 Irwin Street

Engage with Counseling & Psychological Services about how to take care of your creative energy and mental health while you are in graduate school

All Incoming New Graduate Students

Session 3: Chimeras Care About Our Campus

10:30 - 11:15

Timken Hall, Main Building
450 Irwin Street

Learn how we can work actively to maintain our campus and community as we strive towards improving our carbon footprint and creative expression

All Incoming New Graduate Students

Session 4: Library & Technology Services

11:15 - Noon

Timken Hall, Main Building
450 Irwin Street

Discover how both library and technology resources can enhance your research and support your academic success at CCA

All Incoming New Graduate Students

Program Meet ups (TBD)

Noon - 1:00 PM

Locations will vary

For academic programs that did not meet yesterday. (TBD)

All Incoming New Graduate Students

CCA Convocation Day

1:45 - 3PM

Main Building, Nave

Join all new students, the President, VP's, and Deans in an important community gathering - an official welcome into the CCA community!

All incoming Graduate & Undergraduate students (domestic, international, transfer, commuter)


3:00 - 6:00 PM

Main Building, Nave/Nave Presentation Space

You made through the week and learned all the things! Now it is time to celebrate! Games, prizes, music, food and other festivities to wrap up Chimera Welcome Week!

All students (incoming & continuing Graduate & Undergraduate students (domestic, international, transfer, commuter))

6 Steps to a Successful Orientation

Step 1: Read the Admitted Graduate Students' Webpage

Step 2: Read Student & Program Technology Requirements

  • All incoming students are required to own an external storage device and laptop that meets CCA’s minimum system requirements, outlined on the Student Technology Requirements page. Students who know their intended major should purchase the laptop and external storage device specific to their programs, listed on the Program Technology Requirements page.
  • Access to software for classroom-use such as Moodle, Mural, and VoiceThread can be found on the Student Software page and project-specific software like Adobe, Autodesk, Rhino and many other titles on the Creative Software page.

Step 3: Determine Health Insurance Eligibility

  • Health Insurance
    • All students who are registered in 12 or more units per semester (9 units per semester for all graduate students) are considered full-time students. They are, therefore, required to have health insurance coverage.
    • The college has secured a group health insurance policy (an Aetna PPO plan) that provides year-round coverage.
    • Part-time students are ineligible for CCA student health insurance.
  • Waiving Student Insurance
    • You may waive CCA's coverage by submitting an online waiver application before the end of the add/drop period.
    • A student's own health insurance must meet minimum coverage requirement to qualify for an approved waiver.

Step 4: Read the Student Handbook

  • The Student Handbook serves as a guide to the programs, policies, procedures, requirements, and resources of CCA.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to read the entire handbook.

Step 5: Join Graduate Student Alliance (GSA) on Facebook & follow Office of Student Belonging & Inclusion (OSBI) on IG

  • Graduate Student Alliance (GSA) directors are fellow students who play an integral role in advocating and funding events for the graduate student community.
  • Add "CCA GSA" to your Facebook page and get connected with other current CCA graduate students.
  • OSBI IG: @ccaosbi


Email more info about graduate student orientation.

Contact your desired graduate program directly for program-specific information.

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