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Managing Performance & Growth

Last updated on May 21, 2024

This section outlines key components for success at CCA, including performance management, expectations for professional conduct and ethical standards, guidelines for fostering a respectful workplace, workplace accommodations, and navigating the formal complaint process.

The following related policies can be found on the Policies portal page:

Job Descriptions

The college makes every effort to create and maintain accurate job descriptions for all positions within the college. Each description includes the essential duties of the position, the education requirements, the skills and abilities needed.

The college uses job descriptions during the hiring process and orientation of new employees, determining compensation and level of the role, setting standards for employee performance reviews, and establishing a basis for making reasonable accommodations.

Your manager reviews job descriptions periodically to make sure they continue to represent job functions accurately. Employees can have discussions with their manager if they feel their job description is not accurately reflecting their work. Any changes to a job description will be discussed with the employee.

Job descriptions do not necessarily cover every task or duty that might be assigned, and employees should remember that additional responsibilities may be assigned as necessary.

Introductory Period

The first six months of continuous employment at CCA is considered an introductory period for new staff members in regular, permanent positions, or for existing staff who transition into new positions. During this time staff learn responsibilities and performance standards, get acquainted with fellow employees, and determine whether there is an adequate job fit. Also, during this time the supervisor attempts to make initial observations as to the staff member’s work.

Near the date of the end of the introductory period, the manager will inform the staff member of the current assessments as to how the employment relationship is working out and may point out changes that should be made. If at this time, it is projected that the employment relationship will not work out well, the college might end the relationship then, or it may choose to continue to assess and therefore extend the period.

Completion of the introductory period does not entitle a staff member to remain employed by the college for any definite period of time. For staff members who are not covered by the collective bargaining agreement, employment remains “at-will,” which means that employment may be terminated for any or no reason, at any time, by the staff member or by the college.

A staff member in their introductory period who wishes to change positions must receive approval from the Vice President of Human Resources.

Performance Reviews

Staff, working individually and collectively, are essential to the successful operation of the college. It is important when their contributions are recognized and acknowledged. Staff must also understand their job responsibilities and how well they are performing them, which is one reason why communication between manager and staff member is central to managing performance.

Performance development is an interactive process that provides an opportunity for staff members and managers to discuss job-related responsibilities, activities, skills, behavior, accomplishments, and goals. The process can also serve as a planning tool and help identify areas for additional training and improved effectiveness. The objective is to build a strong, supportive work relationship between staff members and managers that focuses on continuously improving individual and team performance. A good performance review does not guarantee a pay increase, nor is it a promise of continued employment.

Approximately once each year, staff members will participate in a performance review. This will provide an opportunity for staff and managers to document the staff member’s accomplishments, strengths, areas for improvement, and goals. A performance assessment should occur during the six-month introductory period of a new position. They are usually conducted annually thereafter.

Because the college values ongoing communication between managers and staff members, performance communications can take place more often or in special situations. In addition to these formal performance evaluations, the college encourages you and your manager to discuss your job performance on a frequent and ongoing basis. Review the Performance Management portal page for more information.

Staff Compensation

The college strives to deliver a total compensation package that is relevant and reflective of our industry, and enables us to attract, motivate and retain talented staff for successful careers at CCA. We aspire to an equitable, innovative, valuable, clear and progressive process around compensation, that is within the college’s available resources and with alignment of the college’s mission and values.

Our compensation philosophy, policy, and practices can provide staff with clarity and an outline around compensation. Review the full Compensation Policy for more information.

Job Announcements & Transfer Opportunities

Announcements of available positions are posted via the college career site. They may also be posted at other external career sites.

Interested applicants are encouraged to timely submit an application with supporting documents such as a résumé and/or a cover letter, and at least three references. Current staff members who are interested in applying for another position at CCA must apply as an internal applicant and are strongly encouraged to notify their manager if they receive an interview, and they may consult with the Office of Human Resources prior to beginning the selection process.

Internal candidates who demonstrate that they possess the required skills, knowledge, and abilities for the posted position will be interviewed. If an internal candidate is interviewed and considered for the new position, the staff member’s manager and HR should be notified. Any relevant performance information should be considered as part of the interview process as appropriate. If the internal candidate is selected for the new position, the staff member’s current manager and the hiring department manager will negotiate a starting date for the transfer or promotion.

A staff member in their introductory period who wishes to change positions must receive approval from the Vice President of Human Resources.

General Standards of Workplace Conduct

The college expects all employees to act in a way that is appropriate for a work setting. Acceptable professional behavior is courteous and safe, and it protects the rights and property of others. In addition to meeting acceptable standards of conduct, employees are expected to meet acceptable job performance standards. Satisfaction of these standards not only promotes safety, productivity, and efficiency, but also helps ensure that all employees enjoy a satisfying work environment. The college considers compliance with these rules to be an important responsibility of every employee.

Because everyone may not have the same idea about proper workplace conduct, it is helpful to provide guidelines. Unacceptable conduct may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, at the college’s sole discretion. The following are examples of some, but not all, conduct which can be considered unacceptable:

  1. Obtaining employment on the basis of false or misleading information
  2. Stealing, removing or defacing college property or a co-worker’s property, and/or disclosure of confidential information; including inappropriate use of college property/devices
  3. Completing another employee’s time records
  4. Unsatisfactory job performance based on an employee’s job responsibilities
  5. Inappropriate close personal relationships with students
  6. Fighting, threatening or disrupting the work of others or other violations of the college’s Workplace Violence Policy
  7. Insubordination or disobedience of a lawful management directive
  8. Loitering or loafing during work time, or leaving a work area without the permission of management
  9. Gambling on college property
  10. Changing work schedules without management’s permission
  11. Willful or careless destruction or damage to college assets or to the equipment or possessions of another employee
  12. Wasting work materials
  13. Performing work of a personal nature during working time without manager permission
  14. The use of cameras, tape recorders, cell phone recording/video or other types of voice/video recording devices, including to record conversations or activities of other employees or management, or while performing work for the college, is strictly prohibited unless prior permission has been obtained from participants. This policy is not intended to restrict rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).
  15. Violation of the Student Sexual Misconduct Policy for the Protection of All CCA Students
  16. Violation of the Policy Prohibiting Close Personal Relationships in Teaching, Mentoring, and Supervisory Activities
  17. Violation of the Punctuality and Attendance Policy, including but not limited to irregular attendance, habitual lateness or unexcused absences
  18. Violation of the Solicitation and Distribution Policy
  19. Violation of Harassment or Equal Employment Opportunity Policies
  20. Violation of the Violation of safety rules and policies
  21. Violation of the college’s Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy
  22. Any other violation of college policy

Not every type of misconduct can be listed. Note that all employees, except those of whom are represented employees who have a collective bargaining agreement, are employed at-will, and CCA reserves the right to impose whatever discipline it chooses, or none at all, in a particular instance. The college will deal with each situation individually and nothing in this handbook should be construed as a promise of specific treatment in a given situation.

Staff member misconduct may result in disciplinary action that could range from a warning to termination of employment. Disciplinary action need not be taken in any particular order or progression and could range from a verbal warning to termination. Other possible disciplinary steps include, but are not limited to, formal written warnings and altered supervision. Disciplinary action may be taken after a review of the facts, but need not be taken in any particular order or progression. For example, under certain circumstances (i.e., theft), the college may determine that immediate termination is appropriate even though the employee has not been disciplined previously. The observance of these rules will help to ensure that our workplace remains a safe and desirable place to work.

Punctuality and Attendance

All employees play a role in helping the college achieve its mission to provide a rewarding education to students. As with any group effort, operating effectively takes cooperation and commitment from everyone. Therefore, your attendance and promptness to work are very important and considered part of each employee's essential job functions. Employees are expected to be punctual and excellent in attendance, and to remain at work for the full duration of their scheduled work hours, except for meal and rest periods or when approved for leave of absence and when on authorized college business. This also includes being prepared for work and being present during work hours.

Unnecessary absences and lateness are expensive, disruptive and place an unfair burden on your fellow employees and your manager. We expect excellent attendance from you. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

We do recognize, however, that there are times when absences and tardiness cannot be avoided. In such cases, you are expected to notify your manager as early as possible, but no later than the start of your work day. Asking another employee, friend or relative to give this notice is improper and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action, except for in extenuating circumstances.

Individuals with disabilities may be granted reasonable accommodation if there is no undue hardship to college operations, and must contact Human Resources at for this consideration.

Unreported absences of three consecutive work days generally will be considered a voluntary resignation of your employment with the college.

Absences protected by state and federal law do not count as a violation of this policy.

Visitors and Telephone Calls

Disruptions during working time can lead to errors and delays. Therefore, we ask that personal telephone calls be kept to a minimum, and only be made or received after working time, or during lunch or break time. Visitors/guests who plan to stay on campus for an extended period of time should check in at the Public Safety main desk. Employees with visitors/guests on campus are responsible for them during the entire duration of their visit.

Solicitation and Distribution

Solicitation or distribution of literature by persons not employed by CCA is prohibited at all times on College property. You may not solicit your coworkers or distribute literature for any purpose during working time. Working time includes the working time of the coworker doing the soliciting or distributing and the coworkers to whom the soliciting or distributing is being directed, but does not include meal periods, scheduled breaks, times before or after a shift, sending of email while not on duty, or other times when coworkers are properly not performing their job duties. Distribution of hard copy literature in work areas is prohibited at all times during the period when they are being used as work areas, unless it's part of an approved college event.

Posting on college premises is managed by the Campus Posting Policy found on the portal.

Confidential College Information

During the course of work, an employee may become aware of confidential information about CCA’s business, including but not limited to information regarding college finances, costs and expenses, products, marketing strategies, suppliers, students and potential students, and knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel. An employee also may become aware of similar confidential information belonging to the college’s business partners. It is extremely important that all such information remain confidential, and particularly not be disclosed to our competitors.

For purposes of this policy, “confidential information” does not include wages, hours, benefits, or other terms and conditions of employment, or an employee’s own personnel information. Further, this policy does not prohibit employees from discussing their own personnel information with one another or with a government agency.

To protect the safety and identity of the CCA community, each employee is responsible for safeguarding the confidential information obtained during employment. Any employee who improperly copies, removes (whether physically or electronically), uses or discloses confidential information to anyone outside of the college may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employees may be required to sign an agreement reiterating these obligations. All employees are expected to comply with FERPA and HIPAA standards, as relating to their job responsibilities.

Conflict of Interest and Business Ethics

CCA requires high standards of business ethics in conducting duties and responsibilities. As employees of the college, we must practice honesty, integrity and common sense in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

It is the intent of CCA to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the college, and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the college’s goal of legal compliance. CCA employees should report to the proper management officers any conduct that they believe to be unethical or illegal business practices.

Employment of Relatives

Relatives of employees may be eligible for employment with the college only if the individuals involved do not work in a direct supervisory relationship or in job positions. Relatives include spouses, domestic partners, children, siblings, parents, in-laws, and step-relatives and other close family members as determined by the college. Current employees who thereafter enter into such a relationship will be permitted to continue working in their current job positions only if they do not work in a direct supervisory relationship or in job positions involving conflict of interest as determined by the college. Disclosure of any such relationship is recommended.


The college reserves the right to require employees while on college property, or on client property, to agree to the inspection of their persons, personal possessions and property, personal vehicles parked on college or client property, and work areas. This includes lockers, vehicles, desks, cabinets, work stations, packages, handbags, briefcases and other personal possessions or places of concealment, as well as personal mail sent to the college or to its clients. Employees are expected to cooperate in the conduct of any search or inspection. Employees should have no expectation of privacy in any personal items brought into the workplace or in any work area or property used by the employee, whether or not locked with an employee or CCA lock.

Outside and/or Other CCA Employment

Most staff positions at CCA require the employee’s full-time attention to their job duties. It may be possible to accept outside employment that does not interfere with the full and proper performance of these duties. Conflicts of interest or inability to properly manage outside work activities could jeopardize employment at CCA. Certain types of outside employment are prohibited when they:

  1. Conflict with an employee’s work schedule, duties, or responsibilities
  2. Create an actual or perceived conflict of interest or are incompatible with an employee’s job at CCA
  3. Impair or have a detrimental effect on an employee’s work performance at CCA
  4. Require an employee to conduct work or related activities on college property, during college working hours, or using college facilities and/or equipment
  5. Directly or indirectly compete with CCA’s business or interests

For the purposes of this policy, self-employment is considered outside employment. In addition, employees may not use their position at CCA to acquire special privileges or exemptions for themselves or for others. Employees are encouraged to seek management approval or guidance from the Office of Human Resources before accepting outside employment.

Use of Facilities, Equipment and Property, Including Intellectual Property

Equipment essential in accomplishing job duties is often expensive and may be difficult to replace. When using property, employees are expected to exercise care, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards and guidelines.

Please notify your supervisor if any equipment, machines, or tools appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair. Prompt reporting of loss, damages, defects, and the need for repairs could prevent deterioration of equipment and possible injury to employees or others. The manager can answer any questions about an employee’s responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment used on the job.

Employees also are prohibited from any unauthorized use of the college’s intellectual property, such as audio and video tapes, print materials and software.

Improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of equipment can result in discipline, up to and including discharge.

Further, the college is not responsible for any damage to employees’ personal belongings unless the employee’s manager provided advance approval for the employee to bring the personal property to work.

Health & Safety

Maintaining a safe and secure working environment for our staff members and students is extremely important and is everyone’s responsibility. To achieve CCA’s goal of maintaining a safe workplace, everyone must be safety conscious at all times. In compliance with California law and to promote workplace safety, the college maintains an injury and illness prevention program.

A staff member who becomes ill or injured due to their job is eligible for workers’ compensation. They must report the illness or injury to their supervisor and the Office of Human Resources accurately and immediately, and follow the appropriate procedures. Employee Attire and Personal Appearance

The college believes that it is important to allow employees to dress and present themselves according to their ethnicity, gender identity or expression. You are expected to report to work in professional attire, clean, and dressed according to the requirements of your position. Some employees may be required to wear uniforms or safety equipment/clothing. Please contact your manager for specific information regarding acceptable attire for your position. If you report to work dressed or groomed inappropriately, you may be prevented from working until you return to work groomed and wearing the proper attire.

Due to the shared workspace environment on campus, please be mindful of the use of fragrances and the impact it may have on your colleagues.

Employee Attire & Personal Appearance

You are expected to report to work in professional attire, clean, and dressed according to the requirements of your position. Some employees may be required to wear uniforms or safety equipment/clothing. Please contact your manager for specific information regarding acceptable attire for your position. If you report to work dressed or groomed inappropriately, you may be prevented from working until you return to work groomed and wearing the proper attire. Further violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

This policy is not intended to restrict rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

Due to the shared workspace environment on campus, please be mindful of the use of fragrances and the impact it may have on your colleagues.

Nothing in this policy or any related guideline is intended to discriminate against an employee’s sincerely-held religious beliefs or practices, disability, race or any other basis protected by applicable law. Employees who may need an accommodation based on a sincerely-held religious belief or practice, disability, race or any other basis protected by applicable law can contact the Office of Human Resources.

Publicity / Statements to the Media

All media inquiries seeking comment on behalf of the college and its operation must be referred to the Director of Communications. Only the Director of Communications is authorized to make or approve public statements on behalf of the college or its operations. No employees, unless specifically designated by the Director of Communications, are authorized to make those statements on behalf of the college. Any employee wishing to write and/or publish an article, paper, or other publication on behalf of the college must first obtain approval from the Director of Communications and/or the Provost.

This policy does not limit an employee's right to discuss the terms and conditions of their employment, or to try and improve these conditions.

Operation of College Vehicles

All employees authorized to drive college-owned or leased vehicles or personal vehicles in conducting college business must possess a current, valid driver’s license and an acceptable driving record. Any change in license status or driving record must be reported to management immediately.

A valid driver’s license must be in your possession while operating a vehicle off or on campus. It is the responsibility of every employee to drive safely and obey all traffic, vehicle safety, and parking laws or regulations. This includes the use of cell phones and other devices while driving. Drivers must demonstrate safe driving habits at all times. Any incidents or accidents must be reported to the manager.

College-owned or leased vehicles may be used only as authorized by management.

Use of Social Media

To protect the college interests and ensure employees focus on their job duties, employees must adhere to the following rules:

  • Employees may not post on a blog or web page or participate on a social networking site during working time or at any time with college equipment or property, unless it is part of the employee’s job duties.
  • All rules regarding confidential and proprietary business information apply in full to blogs, web pages and social networking sites. Any information that cannot be disclosed through a conversation, a note or an email also cannot be disclosed in a blog, web page and social networking site.
  • Whether an employee is posting something on their own blog, web page, social networking or similar site or on someone else’s, if the employee mentions the college and also expresses either a political opinion or an opinion regarding the college’s actions, the poster should specifically state that the opinion expressed is their personal opinion and not the college’s position.
  • Employees should be respectful of their potential readers and colleagues and refrain from using discriminatory comments, personal insults, libel or slander when commenting about the college, their superiors, co-workers or the college’s competitors.
  • If an employee posts content on behalf of the college, the content must be approved by their manager or link back to the college’s approved website or portal. Please refer to the Social Media Sub-Brand Account Policy for more information on maintaining integrity and reputation of the college.

Employment References

Requests for information about a current or former staff member should be referred by all managers and other CCA individuals to the Office of Human Resources. No other manager, supervisor, or staff member is authorized to release references for current or former staff members or any other personal or job related information on behalf of CCA. CCA’s policy regarding references is to disclose only the dates of employment and the title of the last position held. If a staff member authorizes in writing, the college will also provide information on the salary or wage the staff member last earned. However, the college will cooperate with the request from authorized law enforcement or local, state, or federal agencies conducting official investigations and as otherwise legally required.

Only the Office of Human Resources may provide references.

Overview of CCA Investigation Process for Staff & Faculty

This document provides an overview of CCA’s current process for submitting and investigating complaints related to an employee policy violation as outlined in the employee handbook. For the full policy, please email Please note that staff covered by the collective bargaining unit, can request a union representative to attend meetings during the process.

We believe it’s important for members of the CCA community to work together. This may include working with direct reports, peers, managers, and division leadership to address issues and tough situations that may arise from time to time. When a person experiences difficulty addressing situations, HR is available for additional support. Please know that the college makes every effort to treat all constituents in a fair and unbiased manner. If you have a problem, complaint or issue that you would like to see addressed, we would like to hear from you. Feedback from our employees plays an important role in establishing and improving the conditions in our workplace and supporting your success at the college.

The complaint process typically involves the following steps:

  • Submitting a Complaint
  • Investigating a Complaint
  • Outcome of an Investigation

While every attempt is made to complete the investigation process as quickly as possible, the timeline may be impacted by a variety of scheduling challenges. However, on average, the process typically takes about 3-4 weeks of receipt of the initial complaint to complete.

Ending Employment with the College

Voluntary Termination

Should you decide to leave the college, we ask that you provide your manager with at least two (2) weeks advance notice of your departure. Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated. A staff member who orally or in writing offers resignation from the college or who fails to report to work without or approval by the manager, voluntarily terminates employment with the college.

All college-owned property (laptops, keys, identification badges, uniforms, etc.) must be returned upon their last day of employment. Staff members may participate in an optional exit interview with Human Resources. The exit interview is an opportunity to discuss continuation of medical benefits, and for staff members to offer comments and suggestions regarding their experience at CCA.

Involuntary Terminations

Involuntary termination of employment may occur for a variety of reasons, including these situations:

  • An employee has not improved performance or behavior in response to corrective action
  • An employee cannot provide proof of eligibility to work in the United States
  • Failure to report to work or to return from a leave of absence beyond the approved leave period
  • An employee has engaged in serious misconduct, such as: violation of college policy, violation of the law, workplace violence, theft, fraud in securing college employment, neglect of duty, or absence without authorization

Only Human Resources may approve the involuntary termination of employment for staff employees.

In general, involuntary termination of employment requires that the individual recommending a staff employee’s termination write to Human Resources explaining the reason(s) for termination. As soon as you have reason to believe that you may need to terminate an individual’s employment, you should email Human Resources will help you evaluate the circumstances to determine appropriate action with respect to the particular situation and the individual’s employment program.

If involuntary termination is necessary, HR will ensure that the process is completed as required. Staff employees who are in the bargaining unit will follow the discharge and discipline process outlined in the CBA.

The college will provide a final check with all hours worked and any accrued unused vacation time upon the time of discharge.

Reductions in Workforce

Under some circumstances, CCA may need to restructure its operations or reduce its workforce. If this becomes necessary, the college will attempt to provide advance notice in order to minimize the impact on those affected. When possible, employees subject to layoff will be informed of the nature of the layoff and its foreseeable duration (i.e., short-term or indefinite). In determining which employees will be subject to layoff, the college considers, among other things, operational requirements; the skill, productivity, ability, and past performance of those involved; and, when feasible, the employee’s duration of service. Layoff decisions are made at the sole discretion of the college. Employees who are laid off mid-semester due to reductions in workforce and who are participating in the tuition remission benefit may complete the semester with no additional cost. Staff employees who are in the bargaining unit will follow the layoff process outlined in the CBA.

COBRA Information and Unemployment Benefits

Information about COBRA continuation for medical benefits, as well as what additional benefits are eligible for continuation after CCA employment can be found in the CCA After Employment Guide.

In some instances, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. More information, including how to apply, can be found at the State of California’s Employment Development Department website.