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Operational Procedures

Last updated on May 21, 2024

This section outlines information about your day to day employment at CCA including position classifications, work schedules and rules for hourly employees, workplace accommodations, and getting paid.

The following related policies can be found on the Policies portal page, this includes:

Employee Types

Job Definitions - Human Resources uses job classifications, levels, and salary structure to help define positions across the college. Please contact the Office of Human Resources for specific information at


Faculty members are CCA employees who are primarily engaged in instruction, including all types of activities related to the wide range of teaching and learning on campus. They are paid according to their contracts. The college faculty is basically composed of ranked faculty, adjunct faculty; lecturers, and visiting artists. Faculty members are a part of the Division of Academic Affairs and reporting lines include chairs, deans, and the provost. The Provost serves as the Chief Academic Officer for the campus. For a full description of the faculty roles see the Faculty Handbook. Adjunct faculty are represented by SEIU Local 1021 and are governed by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) which is a union contract that covers all adjunct faculty.


Instructors are CCA employees who are primarily engaged in short-term, temporary instruction, including all types of activities related to the wide range of teaching and learning on campus and are a part of the Division of Academic Affairs. Instructors are not union-eligible but are hourly employees. Instructors should reference the Employee Handbook for labor rules and the Faculty Handbook regarding instruction procedures.


Staff members are non-instruction jobs that generally support the administrative and operational needs of the college in order to carry out the educational mission. Staff employees are paid on an hourly or salary basis.

The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) went into effect on June 8, 2022. It is a union contract that covers some staff-regular and fixed-term employees at CCA. For CBA covered staff, the CBA takes precedence over the Employee Handbook in terms of application of rights, responsibilities, policies and procedures. Non-union eligible staff are considered at-will employees.

See Payroll Procedures for more information on payment methods. Staff positions are generally organized by function and services provided to the college and report up through the relevant vice president.

Student Workers

Student workers are paid hourly. Generally speaking, student workers may not work more than 20 hours a week while classes are in session; and international students shall not work more than 20 hours because of immigration laws. For students who hold multiple jobs on campus, the 20 hour weekly limit applies as an accumulation of hours from all of the jobs during the academic year. There are no limits to the hours worked during breaks and during semesters that they are not on financial aid. If you have any questions, refer to the information online or contact the Financial Aid or the International Student Office.


Individuals who are interested in providing their services to CCA as a nonprofit charitable organization without expectation of any compensation or other consideration are called volunteers. Volunteers are not employees of the college. The complete volunteer policy can be found here. Departments shall not allow volunteers unless Human Resources has classified the work as appropriate for volunteers and compliance with the volunteer policy is made.

Position Classifications

A job classification system is useful in providing the structure for a compensation program, which includes salary and benefit levels. Job Levels can be referenced on our guiding rubric.

Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Status

  • Exempt Employees
    • Exempt positions are defined as those whose positions meet specific tests established by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the California Industrial Welfare Commission Orders and who are consequently exempt from overtime pay requirements. Exempt employees are generally paid on a salaried basis. Although the standard workweek is 37.5 hours, ultimately the emphasis of exempt employees is placed on meeting the responsibilities assigned to the position rather than on working a specified number of hours.
  • Non-exempt Employees
    • Those who are covered by the overtime provisions of the FLSA or any applicable state laws and who are paid an hourly wage for the time that they work in addition to overtime, in accordance with applicable law. Please refer to the Work Schedules and Rules for Hourly Workers section for more on the requirements for hourly workers.

Job Categories

  • Staff-Regular Full-Time: Regular full-time staff members who work in a permanent position requiring at least 30 hours per week. These positions carry benefit eligibility.
  • Staff-Regular Part-Time (> 20 hours per week): Regular staff members who are scheduled to work fewer than 30 hours per week. Part-time employees are not eligible for standard CCA health benefits, with the exception of the 403(b) and other benefits according to applicable law. Vacation and sick time accruals, tuition remission, and holiday pay benefits are prorated based on the percentage of full-time equivalence
  • Staff-Regular Part-Time (< 20 hours per week): Part-time employees are not eligible for standard CCA health benefits, with the exception of the 403(b), tuition remission, and other benefits according to applicable law. In accordance with San Francisco Paid Sick Leave, part-time employees will accrue sick time.
  • Temporary: Employees who are regularly scheduled to work full or part hours, depending on the assignment. Full-time temps are eligible for benefits mandated by applicable law, as well as medical benefits that are effective the first day of the third month after employment.
  • Fixed-Term: Staff members who are covered by the collective bargaining agreement and are assigned to work for a specific period of time, longer than 6 months. These staff members are considered as staff-regular employees during the term of their assignment.

Work Modes

Each position is assigned a work mode based on the job description and responsibilities. For more information on work modes, please view this portal page.

Employment Records

Personal Data

All employees must keep their information current in Workday, including their name, address, telephone number and other information for themselves and dependents for the purpose of determining benefits, tax status, state reporting, and emergency contact. Unreported changes can affect your tax withholdings, benefits coverage, or prevent the college from providing you important information in a timely manner or during emergency situations. Staff can also keep track of specialized training or skills acquired. It is the employee’s responsibility to keep personal data updated in Workday.

Personnel Files

Current and former employees may review their personnel file as stored by the Office of Human Resources at a mutually agreed-upon time (i.e., when sufficient time is available and during the course of a regular business day) within 15 business days of the request in writing. It may be necessary to schedule an appointment. As a general rule, an employee is permitted to see records that are used or have been used to determine their qualifications for employment, promotion, and wage increases as well as records that may have been used to discipline or terminate the employee. Letters of reference (recommendations from colleagues/peers received in confidence) are not available for review. Copies of a range of other contents of the personnel file may be requested and will be provided within 15 business days.

Records Retention

The college is responsible for maintaining employee records during the course of an employee's employment. Following employment with CCA, Human Resources maintains records for the legally required time frame depending on the content.

CCA acknowledges its responsibility to preserve information relating to litigation, audits and investigations. Failure on the part of employees to follow this policy can result in possible civil and criminal sanctions against CCA and its employees and possible disciplinary action against responsible individuals (up to and including termination of employment). Each employee has an obligation to contact the VP of Human Resources to inform them of a potential or actual litigation, external audit, investigation or similar legal proceeding involving CCA.

Background Checks and Credit Policy

For select positions, CCA will conduct a background check and/or a credit check on prospective candidates. Credit and background checks are conducted after an offer has been extended to a candidate. Credit checks are not completed for all candidates. The full CCA Credit Check Policy can be found here.

Employment Applications

The college relies upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application stored in Workday, as well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in your exclusion from further consideration for employment or, if you have already been hired, you may be terminated.

Work Schedules & Rules For Hourly Employees

College Hours of Operation & Work Schedules

College offices are normally open for business from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. Department heads work with each staff member to establish work schedules which provide the days and hours of day that the staff member is in work status. High quality attendance and punctuality with regard to the work schedule is an essential element of all staff positions.

There may be changes to individual work schedules on either a short-term or long-term basis in order to accommodate the needs of the college. The college will provide advance notice of a change, if possible. Staff members may also adjust their work schedules upon supervisor approval.

Rest Breaks

The laws require that employers provide a rest period for all non-exempt, hourly employees every four hours of work during their workday; CCA provides a 15 minute rest period. If you are a non-exempt employee, you will be paid for all such break periods, and you will not clock out but must be relieved of all work duties. You are required to remain on the work premises during your rest break(s). You are expected to return to work promptly at the end of any rest break.

If you work more than six (6) hours and up to 10 hours, you will be entitled to two (2) 15 minute rest breaks. If you work more than 10 hours and up to 14 hours, you will be entitled to three (3) 15 minute rest breaks. A rest break need not be authorized for employees whose total daily work time is less than three and one half (3.5) hours. Rest breaks may not be combined in order to extend them.

Meal Periods

Each non-exempt, hourly employee must take a minimum 30 minute unpaid meal period for every four hours of work if working more than five (5) hours in a workday. As meal periods may not be combined with work and no work shall be done on meal periods, employees are required to clock out on their timesheets. Meal periods should be taken prior to the end of the fifth hour of work, so the meal break must begin no later than 4 hours and 59 minutes into a non-exempt shift. For example, if you begin work at 8:00 a.m., you must start your meal period by 12:59 p.m. (which is before the end of your fifth hour of work).

If you work more than 10 hours in a day, you will be provided a second, unpaid meal period of at least 30 minutes. Again, you must clock out for your meal period. This second meal period will be provided no later than the end of your 10th hour of work. For example, if you begin work at 8:00 a.m., you must start your second meal period by 5:59 p.m. (which is before the end of your tenth hour of work).

If a meal period is taken after the 5th hour of work (or 10th) or if taken less than 30 minutes, the employee will incur a meal period penalty. A meal period penalty includes 1 hour of pay at the employee's regular rate of pay. It is the responsibility of the employee and manager to ensure meal period penalties are avoided.

Hourly workers will be permitted a reasonable opportunity to take their meal period(s), and will be relieved of all duty. There will be no control over activities during this time and the employee is free to leave the premises, returning to work promptly at the end of any meal period.

The taking of meal period must be confirmed on all electronic or pay records prepared by hourly paid employees. This means hourly workers must clock out for any meal period, recording the start and end of the meal period in Workday. Hourly workers are not allowed to work “off the clock.” All work time must be accurately reported on your time record in Workday.

Meal periods shall not be combined with rest breaks. Meal periods shall not be taken at the beginning or the end of the work day. No exception to meal period rules for hourly employees are to be allowed except with written agreement with Human Resources and the employee.

If for any reason you are not provided a meal period in accordance with our policy, or if you are in any way discouraged or impeded from taking your meal period or from taking the full amount of time allotted to you, please immediately notify Human Resources at

Timekeeping Procedures

All hourly, non-exempt employees must accurately, and on each day, record their own, actual time of starting and ending work, and meal periods, as well as the start and ending time of any departure from work for non-work-related reasons in Workday.

Employees are not allowed to work “off the clock.” Working off the clock violates the college policy. Non-exempt workers may not start work until their scheduled starting time. Altering, falsifying or tampering with time records is prohibited and subject to discipline. Any changes on a submitted timecard must be initiated by a supervisor. This also includes failure to input time not worked for exempt employees.

Non-exempt employees who are traveling and working in a different time zone should record their time worked in the Pacific time zone. Please reference the Travel Pay Policy for non-exempt employees for more details.

Non-exempt employees who are approved to work fully remote, are permitted to work and record their time within their home time zone, if their work schedule is approved by their manager.

Overtime for Non-Exempt Employees

Like most successful companies, we experience periods of extremely high activity. During these busy periods, additional work is required from all of us. Employees may be required to work overtime as necessary with advance permission from their manager. Unauthorized such work is not permitted under any circumstances except when danger of human life or serious physical human injury.

Only actual hours worked in a given work day or work week can apply in calculating overtime. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Time taken for lunch or dinner is not included as time worked for purposes of computing overtime. Time off on holidays, sick leave, vacation leave or any leave of absence will not be factored in as hours worked when calculating overtime.

The college provides compensation for all overtime hours worked by non-exempt employees in accordance with state and federal law as follows:

  • All hours worked in excess of eight hours in one work day or 40 hours in one work week will be treated as overtime. CCA’s work week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday; the work day begins and ends at midnight.
  • Compensation for hours in excess of 40 for the work week, or in excess of eight and not more than 12 for the work day, and for the first eight hours on the seventh consecutive day of work in one work week, shall be paid at a rate one and one-half times the employee's regular rate of pay;
  • Compensation for hours in excess of 12 in one work day and in excess of eight on the seventh consecutive work day in a work week shall be paid at double the regular rate of pay.

Note: Exempt employees may have to work hours beyond their normal schedules as work demands require. No overtime compensation will be paid to exempt employees.

Getting Paid


Payroll cycles run on a semi-monthly basis. Exempt employees are typically paid on the 15th and the last day of the month. Non-exempt employees are typically paid on the 10th and 26th of the month. For a complete list of payroll dates, please check in Workday or the portal. When those dates fall on a weekend or a holiday, deposits are the preceding workday. Non-exempt employees are paid two weeks in arrears.

Your payroll slip itemizes deductions made from your gross earnings. By law, the college is required to make deductions for Social Security, federal income tax and any other appropriate taxes. These required deductions also may include any court-ordered garnishments. Your payroll slip will also differentiate between regular pay received and overtime pay received.

If you believe there is an error in your pay, bring the matter to the attention of the Payroll Department at immediately so the college can resolve the matter quickly and amicably.

Direct Deposit

The college strongly encourages employees to use direct deposit as a way to support environmentally friendly business processes. Electing direct deposit is done through Workday. You may begin and stop automatic payroll deposits at any time. Click here for instructions. You should carefully monitor your payroll deposit statements for the first two pay periods after the service begins.

Cell Phone Allowance & Work Stipend

Cell Phone Allowance

The regular, daily use of cell phones by CCA employees in the course of their work is sometimes required to help improve communication, productivity and work efficiency between multiple locations on campus or if an employee is frequently away from their desk and computer. CCA offers a $50/month cell phone allowance (paid semi-monthly) to all permanent, full-time employees who meet this criteria and have been approved by Human Resources and division leadership to receive the stipend. Separately, all permanent employees receive a $50/month work stipend that covers the cost of at-home internet use and occasional cell phone use.

Work Stipend

All staff will receive a $50/month non-taxed stipend for remote work expenses, including internet & cell, that will be provided on an ongoing basis. This stipend applies to both union and non-union-represented staff and is intended to address work-related home internet expenses and the occasional work-related use of cell phones, both while performing remote work. The stipend is also intended to assist with transportation and other personal costs for staff who work on campus. Other necessary and reasonable work at home expenses are still eligible for reimbursement under our existing policy and should be reviewed and approved in advance of purchase.

Salary Advances

Regular staff members may request a wage advance not to exceed 75 percent of the anticipated net pay of the following paycheck, no more than four times in a calendar year and not in consecutive pay periods. Salary advances can be requested in Workday and must be approved by the staff member’s supervisor and Payroll. The wage advance must be deducted from the following paycheck. The college does not have any loan provision available to staff. The college does not permit advances against vacation or sick time.

Workplace Accommodations

The college offers workplace accommodations to support employees in their ability to complete the essential functions of their position. Below are some of the policies available to employees:

San Francisco Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance

The San Francisco Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance (FFWO) gives certain employees the right to request flexible or predictable work arrangements to assist with caregiving responsibilities. Please reach out to Human Resources ( for additional information including submitting a request.

Literacy Assistance

We are committed to providing assistance to employees who require time off to participate in an adult education program for literacy assistance. If you need time off to attend such a program, you should inform your direct supervisor or the Office of Human Resources. CCA will attempt to make reasonable accommodations for you by providing unpaid time off or an adjusted work schedule, provided the accommodation does not impose an undue hardship on the College. The College will attempt to safeguard the privacy of your enrollment in an adult education program.

Please reference Workers' Compensation information here, if you encounter a work related injury.