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Working with the Self-Evaluation Inbox Task

Last updated on Jul 17, 2019

Workday inbox icon

Once you are in your Workday Inbox, you will see a task to start your employee self-evaluation. The task offers two different ways of working through the evaluation. You can switch from one view to the other at any time.


1) To see the form displayed one section at a time, click Go to Guided Editor, which is used for this guide. There is a top progress bar that shows how far along you are in the document.

Guided Editor progress bar

Once you have started in the guided editor, if or when you revisit the inbox task, you will have the option to Continue where I left off instead.

2) To see all the sections in one view using a long scrollbar, click Go to Summary Editor. Click Guide Me next to any field to enter the Guided Editor view.

3) Tip: Click the Fullscreen icon (upper-right corner) for better view of the form.