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Reflecting on the repeal of the constitutional right to abortion

Posted June 27, 2022, 4:30 PM

Updated June 28, 2022, 12:54 PM

Dear CCA Community,

Last Friday, the United States Supreme Court released its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark legislation that has protected people’s right to make private choices about their reproductive futures—specifically abortion—since 1973. Even as we learned last month that this ruling seemed imminent, the decision has left many members of our community in shock and grappling with a range of emotions. The Court’s opinion represents a direct questioning of whose voices and choices count in our nation regarding their own bodies and lives.

The potential impact on other fundamental rights will reverberate indefinitely, and will affect lives—especially the lives of those who lack resources or access—in ways we cannot yet fully comprehend. As we continue our mission to develop creative citizens, we must ensure that our actions, partnerships, and platforms within CCA and the Bay Area continue to spark human capacity for social justice, healing, and transformation. In alignment with these values, we stand with healthcare advocates, state leaders, and others who have responded to the Court’s decision with renewed efforts to protect individuals’ reproductive rights and to make care accessible to all—including those living in states that restrict their healthcare choices.

In the absence of federal protections, abortion rights will now be left to each state to legislate. In California, abortion remains legal, safe, and widely accessible. In accordance with the laws of our state and our institutional values of equity and social responsibility, CCA unequivocally supports each member of our community in their personal decisions regarding reproductive choices and care. 

For those of us who experienced this court ruling as a clarion call to contribute through  social action, there are myriad opportunities to protect fundamental rights no matter where you live, your race, immigration status, economic position, ability, gender, or sexual identity. A few are highlighted here as a starting point: 

I encourage you to seek out additional resources that align with your individual values and circumstances, and to share these resources with others. The waves of change and challenges in our nation and around the world require each of us to summon the courage to help shape the history we are living and to forge a more just, equitable, and compassionate future for all. 

Steve Beal, President

Healthcare Resources for the CCA Community As always, caring for ourselves and our community is crucial. The emotional fatigue culminating from the converging crises and events of recent years have affected all of us, and our capacity to be fully present and productive may be limited at times.

  • Students: I encourage you to utilize the CCA resources that can best support you, including Counseling Services, Health and Wellness, and CCA Cares.
  • Employees: I encourage you to utilize the CCA resources that can best support you, such as vacation and sick time, Claremont EAP (which includes free counseling sessions), and connecting with your benefit provider around mental health and wellness resources. CCA’s employee healthcare plans all include coverage for reproductive health, including contraception and abortion. Please reach out to your benefits provider or to Human Resources for information.