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Self-Evaluation Guide for Performance Evaluations

Last updated on Jun 09, 2024

Use the linked icons below to view detailed instructions for completing the form, section by section.

Note: Each link below will open that page in a new browser tab. At the bottom of every page of this guide are links to the next/previous step.

Before Starting Your Evaluation...

  • Get a copy of your job description. Your performance evaluation will be based on the job duties listed there, so work with your manager to ensure it’s updated.
  • Review your past performance evaluation, if you have one. Be sure to look at your past goals.
  • Think about how you've developed your CCA Work Behaviors / Core Competencies.
  • Think about areas where your manager could support you.
  • Think about who could be a source of feedback for your evaluation and share with your manager.

Working with the Self-Evaluation Inbox Task

Once you are in your Workday Inbox, you will see a task to start your employee self-evaluation. The task offers two different ways of working through the evaluation. You can switch from one view to the other at any time.

Work Accomplishments/Areas of Strength

Use this area to highlight things that you have accomplished in your job within the last performance cycle and/or your areas of strength.

Key Area(s) of Growth and Development

This section of the evaluation focuses on your areas of growth and development. You will be able to identify any areas where you could further develop in your position.

Manager Support / Career Aspirations

Identify any challenges or obstacles that occurred this past year that you need help addressing in order to meet your goals or be successful in your job. Career Aspirations is an optional section where you can share your future career plans with your manager.

Manager Overview / Supporting Documents

Enter comments on your overall performance this past cycle in Manager Overview and attach any documents that will help your manager better evaluate your work.

Summary View, Submitting the Self-Evaluation, & Next Steps

When you're satisfied with your self-evaluation, submit it. Once it’s sent, wait while your manager does their next steps. Once your manager approves your self-evaluation, it can no longer be edited.

How to Retrieve & Print Your Evaluation

You can print your performance evaluation(s) from the Performance worklet or from your Workday profile.