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CCA Portal

Manager & Employee Meeting

Last updated on Jul 30, 2019

Once the Manager receives a “to-do” task in Workday Inbox to meet with their employee about the employee’s evaluation, they can feel assured that the evaluation has gone through the appropriate approvals and it’s okay to meet with the employee. Up to this point the employee cannot yet see the manager comments and ratings. The manager should prepare by pulling up the evaluation on the computer, so that they can walk through the document together during the meeting.

If you are the current manager, but not the majority manager, the majority manager should be included in the meeting with the employee about their performance evaluation.

Feedback will not appear on any printed evaluation. If you would like to present solicited feedback to the employee, print the Feedback Requested report before the meeting.

Video demo of making changes, signing off, viewing and printing

Printing Employee Evaluation


From the Team Performance worklet,

a. Click Print Evaluation

b. Enter/Select your employee’s name.

c. Select the evaluation you want to view.

d. Click OK.

e. The PDF will be generated and available in a few moments in your Notifications.

f. Click the PDF link within the Notification and it will be displayed within your browser.

g. You can then print and/or save the PDF.

The manager can also print out hard copies if desired, being cautious about printing the document on shared printers.

Below are additional details to help you prepare for the evaluation meeting with the employee.

Sample Performance Discussion Meeting Agenda

The following is a sample agenda to help guide your discussions. Feel free to use whatever format and timeframes you think make the most sense for you and your staff, as long as all components are covered. You may break the meeting up into two parts if needed or desired.

10 mins

Set the Stage:
• Share anticipated length of meeting, agenda, align meeting expectations

30 mins

Looking Back:
• Discuss successes, growth areas, and key challenges
• Discuss similarities and gaps from the work behavior/competency sheet

40 mins

Looking Forward:
• Seek to understand career interests
• Establish individual goals
• Identify ways to support employee

10 mins

• Review summary, affirm support, allow employee to comment

Detailed Guide – Sample Performance Evaluation Discussion

Set the Stage
10 mins

• Use this time to create a supportive environment for the discussion, and align on expectations about the meeting and what you plan to cover.
• Share the purpose of the meeting, which is to discuss the past year’s performance and align on goals and expectations moving forward, with the ultimate goal of ensuring the employee has the feedback and support to help him/her be successful on the job.
• Convey your support for the individual and share his/her value to the team and the college.
• Acknowledge that performance discussions (positive or otherwise) can be tense; so encourage the employee to be open.
• Commit to doing a better job of providing timely feedback on a regular basis moving forward, if you have not done so previously.
• Review agenda, and how the remaining time will be spent.
• Questions you can ask: What are you hoping to get out of our time together today? Do you have any thoughts before we get started? Is there something in particular that you hope we address?

Looking Back
30 mins

• The purpose of this time is to review performance for this past year.
• Celebrate the individual’s accomplishments, what they are particularly proud of.
• Identify areas for development that may be barriers to continued success or support continued success.
• Ask the person to speak to the key external challenges that they may need your assistance addressing.
• Use the Work Behaviors/Competencies rubric to discuss the employee’s strengths in the key competencies, as well as areas of growth, exploring similarities and gaps in how you rated the individual and how they rated themselves.
• Questions you can ask: What accomplishments are you most proud of? What contributions do you believe best reflect CCA’s values? What are the 3 things you could do differently to better serve staff and students? What are the key lessons that you have learned over this past year?

Looking Forward
40 mins

• This is an opportunity to find out what motivates the individual, and to assist the person in identifying a career path or professional growth while at CCA.
• If you or your VP have drafted team or department goals, this would be a good time to share them.
• Set goals that the individual will accomplish over the next year in support of team and organizational goals, as well as CCA's mission and values.
• Define which goals are most critical, and key priorities to help the employee focus on what’s most important. At a high level, get a brief status of each item; saving detailed project discussions for a later date, as to not draw time or attention away from the development discussion.
• Review the employee’s job description to see if anything needs to be updated, and send recommended edits to
• Questions you can ask: Where do you see yourself in the next 1‐3 years; what do you like most about your job, what do you like the least; are you interested in any current openings or volunteer opportunities? What individual goals will have the biggest impact moving forward? Taking into consideration all that we talked about, how can I best support you? What are the top 3 things I can do better as your supervisor?

Wrap Up
10 mins

• Taking into consideration all of the information you’ve gathered and discussed, recap the meeting by going over the summary and what you have agreed upon.
• By this time, the employee should be clear about expectations moving forward, and whether or not they are meeting job expectations.
• If the employee is not meeting job expectations, please work with HR to help establish an Improvement Plan to help the individual get back on track, or identify other appropriate steps.