Academic advising for graduate students occurs within each Academic Program. The specific advising process varies between programs but generally involves the academic advisor and program chair. For program-specific information, graduate students should contact the program chair of your academic program. See your Academic Program page or Academic Affairs Staff for their information.
For questions related to academic records, please contact the Student Records Office.
Confidentiality Statement
Academic advising appointments are held in private but are not confidential. If you wish to schedule a confidential meeting with a counselor, CCA offers free Counseling Services for current students. See Counseling Services.

Academic Advising Policies
You and the College share responsibility for your education. Taking ownership of your time at CCA is crucial to your success. Academic Advisors are here to support you.

Graduate Advising Appointments
Meet with a graduate academic advisor for support with planning and registration.

Graduate Course Guides
Course guides organized by program and matriculation year. Students should review their academic progress in Workday.

Register for Courses
Once the course schedule is available for the upcoming term and before your registration window, you can create a Saved Schedule by selecting sections for each course in your Academic Plan.

Graduate Programs and Policies
Information on academic policies

Leave of Absence Guide
Students may be unable to complete the current semester or need to take a leave of absence for a variety of reasons, including those that may be personal or curricular.

Success Support Plan (SSP)
The Success Support Plan is open to all students who are looking to strengthen their academic success.