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Grading and Tracking Student Activity in Moodle - Faculty

Last updated on Dec 01, 2023

Moodle's Gradebook feature collects and calculates grades from every graded activity in your course. With the right setup that matches your planned grading structure, the gradebook feature eliminates the need to keep a separate grade sheet outside of Moodle.

Note: Moodle is not CCA's academic system of record, so all official grade submissions should be made through Workday. See Submit Grades Step by Step Guide for details.

Using Moodle's Gradebook

Course Grade Breakdown and Grade Aggregation

Before adding activities and resources to your Moodle course, it is highly recommended that you set up your gradebook. To set it up, you should first prepare your course grade breakdown and select a matching grade aggregation method.

Once you created a clear course grade breakdown and selected the grade aggregation method, you can go to your Moodle course to set up the gradebook.

Gradebook Setup - Weighted Mean of Grades

Please visit this page if your course grade breakdown designates a Moodle gradebook that uses Weighted Mean of Grades as the grade aggregation method.

Gradebook Setup - Natural

Please visit this page if your course grade breakdown designates a Moodle gradebook that uses Natural as the grade aggregation method.

Viewing and Editing Grades in Moodle Gradebook

Learn how to view, enter, and edit grades in your course using the Moodle course gradebook.

Hiding / Unhiding Gradebook

Once you have set up your gradebook properly, you can unhide the gradebook so that your students can track their progress in your course. Students can access the grader report from their Moodle profile or from within their course. To learn more about what they are able to see, check out Viewing Grades in Moodle - Students.

Activity Completion

Activity Completion is one of Moodle's most effective features for instructors to track engagement and completion.

Exporting Your Gradebook

You may wish to export the gradebook in order to keep a record or to perform additional calculations.

Setting up a Pass/Incomplete Gradebook

If you want to use the gradebook to provide feedback and track participation for students, but are teaching a pass/incomplete course, there is a special way you can set up your gradebook to do this.